Saturday Morning Baking – Scones





Scones are incredibly easy to make. They only require 5 ingredients and about 15 minutes of your time – not including cooking.

A couple of handfuls of flour, sugar at amount your sweet tooth would like, a pinch of salt, a dollop of butter and finally a dash of milk and you’re done!

I like to believe,  whether it is true or not I’m at a loss, that I am an unconventional baker/cooker. I rarely follow a recipe. Now that, in some cases has led to a few disasters, but on the whole it works out pretty well. In the case of scone making, I don’t think I have ever done the same thing twice but they have been delicious every time! I’m sure my house mates think I am a scone-a-holic I have made them SO many times recently! Which I know is true, so I am scouring around for another recipe, one just as simple and quick to make… Will anything live up to… The Scone?

For me there is nothing better than a hot scone with melted butter and jam on a Saturday morning. 

What is your Saturday morning treat?


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